Sunday, February 19, 2012


What a weekend. Well..what a last several days. So very much has happened, mostly in my head but also real life things, and I can't even begin to process it all. I was able to spend the weekend at my grandma's house in Orange County and that was a nice break. But the last few days of last week and then tonight have been full of so many interesting things. My mind has been going constantly and doesn't always know what to think. I've felt pretty much every emotion imaginable in the last several days. For the most part I've been able to control them but there have been times where they've controlled me. I'm so very thankful that God is constant because I (as well as every other single person) am not. I constantly change and fail and have to start over. But God is not like that. He is so faithful. The God who spoke the universe into existence; who flooded the earth and protected 8 people in an ark that, left to itself, would have been smashed to smithereens; who parted the Red Sea; who opened the earth and let it swallow thousands of people; who sent His Son to die the most horrible, gruesome, painful, humiliating death possible, and then raise Him up three days later; is the same God today. He is in control of the universe. He is able to work in my life despite my mistakes and failures. He is so faithful and kind to forgive me for the hundreds of times I sin - every day.

Looking into the future, I realize I have no idea what it holds. But I do know who holds my future. And that is why I am not worried one bit about what will happen.

I know this post is all over the place. There's just so much going on it can be overwhelming. Things are so great right now and look like they'll only be improving for a while. I hope I haven't seemed upset. There are just so many things going on and I thought maybe you'd like to know.

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