Thursday, May 24, 2012

Current Crush Thursday

Found a new link-up today and thought it was the cutest idea - Current Crush Thursdays @Framed Frosting.

My current crush is: Cake Mix Cookies

I was introduced to these cookies a couple years ago by my older sister Sarah. She made these wonderful lemon cookies covered in powdered sugar and talked about how she had made them from cake mix. I just was not aware of how important they'd be to me later on.

If you've been around my blog for a bit you probably are aware of the fact that I adore sugar. Well, these cookies are the best cookies you can eat (obviously aside from my best friend's mom's chocolate chip cookies...there really is no contest there). I was reintroduced to Cake Mix Cookies by my friend Meredith, who also really likes sugar. Her husband is the RD of a men's dorm on campus and she always bakes for their RA "team time" and sometimes I reap the benefits, such as these cookies. Then our college group had a beach day and she made cookies for that, too.

You can make these cookies in a different kinds! Lemon, chocolate, strawberry, funfetti, red velvet - if it's a cake mix, you can make cookies from them. You can also do fun things like add peanut butter chips or really any flavor chips - white chocolate, butterscotch, etc to the chocolate, or you could leave them plain. You could roll any/all kinds in powdered sugar before baking. You could frost them or add sprinkles on top. Really, the possibilities are endless. Look at these and tell me you aren't dying for some right now. (All images are found on pinterest)

My sister Sarah and I have plans to make some of these this weekend. My favorites are strawberry and lemon (but I honestly love them all!) Have you tried them before? What's your favorite kind?


  1. Thanks for linking up with me today! I too LOVE cake mix cookies. If you buy the Pillsbury rainbow chip mix, they have a cookie recipe right on the box! They're so soft and gooey and delicious! Happy baking :)

    1. I'll have to check that out! Thanks for the tip :)

  2. Thanks for linking up with us! These cookies look SO good! I'll have to try them :)
