Stir In Me
Stir in me a fire that the world cannot explain
I come to worship You.
Stir in me a passion that my heart cannot contain
I come to worship You.
Hold me, break me, mold me and make me more and more like You
I come to worship You
To love You, fear You, draw ever near You as I worship You
I come to worship You, oh Lord
This is a song that I love. The first part is all about wanting a fiery passion for the Lord in our lives. This is so necessary to endure the hardships and trials that come through the Christian life. I want a love for Him that is so evident in everything I do and say. I wish that people would not know me for anything except for my love for God. I want a passion for Him that my heart cannot contain. Then the second part talks about wanting to be made more in the image of Christ, and into the person that He wants us to become. It talks about how part of our walk as Christians is about us-loving God, fearing Him, and drawing near to Him. Just like other relationships, we need to put time and effort into our walk with God.
This song has been on my mind alot lately. The part that says, "...break me, mold me and make me more and more like You..." is a tough thing to pray. God will break us, and often when he makes us more like Him it is when He is refining us. As I think I've said before, refining is a process where gold is put into the fire. When God refines us, He puts us through the fire-it burns. But then, He is able to make us into who He wants us to be. The end result is always worth it (God does know what He's doing, after all), but it's often a difficult process. I often sing this song or pray in this way, but sometimes I wonder how much I really mean it.
Life lately has been extremely interesting. Some things are going on in my life that are fun and very exciting, but scary at the same time. I wonder what the Lord is doing, but I know He has a plan for my life. I have been really worried about messing things up, but as two of my older and wiser wingmates, Lynsi (my RA) and Lydia (her roommate), have said to me, if I am actively pursuing Christ, and God's will for my life, He will not let me stray to far. He loves me to much to do that. When we seek Him, we will always find Him. How amazing to think about that! Those two are such godly examples of what I would like to be. They have given me such great advice, especially in a particular area. I love them and am so sad they are graduating!
Life lately has been great! This past weekend was really fun-our formal(ish) event, Spring Party, was on Friday night. It took place at Castle Green, and it was beautiful. So many funny memories from that night! Then Saturday, my friend Christian and I went to Zuma in Malibu and my friend Bear (Daniel) from my school (since first grade!) came and the three of us spent the day in the sand and the sun. It was such a great time! It was really nice to just lay out and relax, and also nice to see Bear again!
Here's some pictures from the weekend :)
Me with Christian, my date for Spring Party
Lynsi, my faithful friend and RA
Alyssa, friends for who even knows how long. I can talk to her about anything!
Courtney..we never fight!
Hard to tell...but we saw several dolphins swimming while at the beach
I got TONS of sand in my hair from my dunking in the ocean