Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Made me happy lately.

  • Fun times with my little kindergarteners at awana...they just melt my heart!!
  • Yummy cupcake from Amanda and Bronwyn on Friday
  • Kayla visited! Got to spend Saturday night with her and Stephanie, watching a movie and eating good food
  • Babysitting Karis. We had so much fun singing and playing!
  • Getting to read Eric Carle books and calling it homework (especially The Very Hungry Caterpillar)
  • Observing today and seeing one of my awana kids, even though he's in a different class. He was so excited to see me, it was adorable.
  • When I left my observation, one of the girls gave me a hug. presh.
my awana kids and co-leader! Ellyse, Justin, Silas, and "Miss Abigail"

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Hello, spring!

Spring has sprung and it's wonderful!
So much to write about, but I have to study for a midterm tomorrow night.
I'll be back soon.

Saturday, March 17, 2012


Well folks, there's been some changes around these here parts! I tried a completely new format for a few months but it was not as versatile as I'd hoped. So I changed back to a more traditional format and added a few new fun things like a blog list and my recent twitter updates. I took my Elisabeth Elliot quote that was on my other blog (but hidden because of the format...now you might begin to understand why I changed the format for this little guy) and added it here. Please bear with all the semi-frequent changes. I don't want to be blog-format-ADD but I do want it to be the best I can make it, and it just felt too bare the other way. Hope you enjoy, but if you absolutely hate it as is, let me know!

Makes Me :)

perfect little room for a cabin
you choose.
cozy blankets <3 
love is a worthwhile risk
dixie cup light strand. simple
watched this again last night...it's so good!
summer's comin! though you can't tell by this weather
it's about health not weight
if only rain was always this glamorous..this week it's been a pain!
Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic
(makes my heart hurt a little bit)
Prague castle (also hurts my heart)
little cottage
love anonymity
especially the questions and the tears.
just keeping it real.

Forever Reign, Hillsong.
mmm. peace.

will do this

pink and yellow dessert bar
simple life tips from RR

Monday, March 12, 2012

Little things I adore

love this for spring. 
 readers are leaders. so teacher ed.
 mild obsession with staircases.
 adore socks. love all of these.
zac brown band. thank you.
mild obsession with balloons too. beautiful. 
 my sisters are my best friends.
 these wouldn't last long.
 two of my favorite things: cupcakes and salted caramels.
child at heart. 
spring break, baby. it's all about messy hair. 
 faith like a child.
life is beautiful unplugged. 
 great advice.
 do do do do.
nothing less.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

What Makes Me Happy (as of 3/11/12)

  • This quote - "There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind." - C.S. Lewis
  • Trying out three different samples of these at my brother's baseball game. So good. So, so good. I want a whole huge one all to myself, right now. I don't want to make such a huge decision rashly, but these just might beat cupcakes.
  • Friday morning breakfasts with Linds and Court.
  • Getting Voddie Bauchum and Al Mohler in chapel - in one week!
  • Being back at my home church this morning
  • Guilt-free Sunday afternoon nap. In my own bed. After two weeks of less than an ideal amount of sleep.
  • The fact that my next group of Children's Lit books due is mainly picture books (ecstatic!)
  • Hopefully getting to see a bunch of my friends this week!
  • Reading Harry Potter out loud to Lindsay on our way back to Sacramento until my voice got tired
  • Getting enough work done over spring break to lighten my load for the next few weeks (hopefully!)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Sugar Free?

A few of my friends and I decided yesterday to cut way, way back on our sugar intake.
We decided no sweets, desserts, candy, chocolate muffins or waffles, etc.
The only sugary things we could have were fruit and honey (or other similar things).
It's a contest to see who could go the longest.
Well....not even 24 hours into this thing, yours truly lost.
But I DID turn down homemade, fresh peanut butter cookies (AND the dough!) yesterday.
That at least counts for something right?

Anyway, I'm learning that I need to work better at self-discipline.
Because when it comes to sugar, I can't resist.
And now you know what I'll be working on for a bit.

**PS: this is my HUNDREDTH post! Woohoo!!**

Friday, March 2, 2012

What Makes Me Happy (as of 3/2/12)

  • Boston cream cupcake at the Poached Pear with Meredith
  • The fact that I can HOPE in my great God (as I posted about here yesterday) - really it is JOY though
  • Children's books
  • The fact that though I spent more time in the library than sleeping this week, I'm not sick of it! (seriously, this is new)
  • Learning more and more about how to study the Bible (thanks to my Principles of Personal Bible Study class)
  • New makeup!
  • Homemade pizza for dinner after class last night
  • My scaring competition with Bekah...even though I'm losing so badly that she keeps trying to give me sympathy points
  • Disneyland memories
  • The fact that it's FRIDAY
  • Seeing friends

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Hymns You Should Listen To

'Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus
God Leads Us Along
How Firm a Foundation
Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken
Rock of Ages
O Love That Will Not Let Me Go
Standing on the Promises of God
My Hope is in The Lord
Great is Thy Faithfulness
I Need Thee Every Hour
O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing
Leaning on the Everlasting Arms
Day by Day
My Faith Has Found a Resting Place

This is just a short list of hymns that are rich in doctrine and also sweet balm to the soul. I tried to compile a list that includes hymns that aren't quite as well known or popular in this day, but some I just couldn't resist so here they are. It may do you well to listen to them and learn them and know them and think about them, because I know it has for me. They show so many different attributes of God. He deserves to be praised for all His works, and hymns are a great way to praise Him! It's when we take our focus off of ourselves and are fully focused on Him that we are healed.

xo loves.