Monday, May 10, 2010

School's OVER

I can finally say that my first year of college is complete! And what a year it has been! I don't want to spend all night talking about every single thing that happened this past year. There has just been too much! If you ever want to know, ask me about it in person. This year has been full of difficult things and many challenges where I had the choice to either do things my way or do things God's way. I made many right decisions and many mistakes. Thankfully God is still using me, no matter how many times I mess up!

When I left for school, I was ready for change. I was still trying to mend my broken heart, nervous about meeting a person that I would be living in a small room with for a whole school year, anxious about making friends, sad to leave my friends and family at home, eager to see what college would be like and really excited to see how God would work in my life. My heart healed itself once I found that God was all-sufficient and that I did not need someone (who had really just gotten in the way of my relationship with God-for that I blame myself, not him) else to make me happy. I LOVED my roommate and we are planning on rooming together next year. I made TONS of friends who love God and encourage me to walk close with Him. I did miss home alot, but often I was too busy to think about it. College was amazing-classes were awesome, chapel-the music and the messages-were amazing, and dorm life is always fun (except when you can't find anywhere to be alone). God worked in my life in so many, many ways. I learned from classes, chapel, my church, my college group, small group, my RA, my friends, my devotions...I could go on and on. Basically, I have learned alot and I have seen God refining me and making me more like Him. I learned that more important than Christ-likeness is my love for Him. Out of the overflow of my love for Him will come obedience and imitation. I learned that even something as good as my own sancification can become an idol if it takes away from my first love.

When I came home after the end of the school year, I came home a completely different person. I came back loving God more than ever before, loving people more than ever, with a desire to love and serve my family, missing my new family that I found through my friends and in my dorm, and ready to see what God would do in my life this summer. I am eager to see what He wants to do in regards to a special friend of mine :)...more about that to come. My heart is overflowing with thankfulness to God. Pslam 40:2-"He also brought me up out of a horrible pit, Out of the miry clay, And set my feet upon a rock, And established my steps." God took me out of that pit the psalmist was talking about and put me in a safe place. In Him alone I am secure. I have learned that over and over again (often the hard way) this year. I have learned that though I may fail a thousand times, He is patient and will never give up on me. He is working in my heart big time.

Going to The Master's College is a huge priveledge. I loved everything about it! I loved the chapels, the values and beliefs held there, the professors, the classes, the dorms, the staff...everything! Honestly, I am so blessed to be able to go there. It's funny how God can bring so many completely different people from all over the world together and make it so that each person there is encouraged by and an encouragement to others around them. He is sovereign over every person that attends each school. It's interesting to see that even the people He decided to place on my wing made a huge impact on me. To sum it all up...I am so grateful to God for providing the way for me to go to Master's. My time spent there was so worth any stress or sacrifice it took to get me there or allow me to stay there.

Well, I am done for tonight but I know that there is tons more for me to say. I may write out more in my blog, but I may not. But I love talking about what God's been doing in my life, so if you want to know more, just ask me! Good night

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