Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Ok, honestly, I have always been one of those people who likes school. Yes, I admit I often complain about it, procrastinate on homework (and then regret it!), and look forward to weekends and vacations just like everyone else. But I also look forward to it starting again. I always have. Maybe part wanting to go back is because I used to spend my entire summer in Maine, so I wouldn't see all of my friends for months and I knew that I would at school. Even school shopping always excited me. Part of the reason I've always looked forward to going back is, I think, because I have new goals and expectations of myself, and have a clean slate. I have gone into each year with a little bit of a different view from the one before, but always eager to start.

Again, I am feeling that way. Maybe now more than ever, since I am in college. It helps that I go to a school that I love. I am excited for my classes and meeting new people and making friends. Also, I am excited to start a new semester with the potential of doing better than I ever have. Several weeks ago I wrote a list of goals for the next semester that I hope to achieve. One of my professors last semester really inspired me to have a desire to learn. To not just be in school because it's normal, or because it will get me where I want to be later in life, but because I want to learn more about the world God created and the people He placed in it.

There are several things I'm looking forward to. Here are some of them, in no particular order:
Chapel-singing great songs and hearing the preaching from great men who love the Lord
Seeing my friends on a daily basis
Breakfast with Lindsay
Dorm life (cdub is the BEST)-the people are great and we have the best RD
My roommate! Lord willing, the same as last year
Walking upstairs and smelling cookies or other things Amber has baked
Movie nights/game nights
Denny's runs
Small groups
Waffle nights (thursdays)
Brunch on Saturdays and spending the rest of the day with Lindsay
Baking with Lindsay and Courtney
Talking/driving around/singing obnoxiously with Kayla
Outreach Week
My church-Placerita Baptist. And my college group

I could keep going, but I think you get the picture. I love summer, but I am also excited for school to start!

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