Saturday, October 6, 2012

Back Again

I don't know why I keep taking little bloggy breaks. Life has just been busy lately, but it's always busy. I guess I just struggle with finding something worthwhile to talk about. But anyways, here I am again.

The semester is now in full swing so I thought I'd let you know a little bit about what's been going on in my life. This semester has been interesting. I don't really love any of my classes. My favorite class is Econ (you know, the class that 90% of students here dread) and not even a class in my major. None of my major classes this semester are very interesting, which is kind of a bummer. But that's okay.

Church has been interesting. Over the last year, there have been quite a few changes at PBC. It was a little bit discouraging at the beginning of the semester, but lately I have been really encouraged at church. I think all I needed was a reminder that it isn't about me, it's about God. When our eyes are on ourselves all the time, of course we're going to be hurt, because other people's eyes aren't constantly on ours like we think they should be.

What else...well I'm living back on campus for my last year of college (what?!). [Sidenote, my best friend literally just said, "Laurie, it's so weird that we're seniors." haha...crazy mind reading.] It's just hard to believe that my academic experience is drawing to a close. Well, kind of. After I graduate, I have a year left - to get my CA multiple subject teaching credential. Life is so exciting, guys.

This year has been unique in that we started our school year off with a tragedy. But it's been so cool seeing how God has been using that in everyone's life to bring glory to Himself. I have seen so much growth and maturity in so many people and it's just been really cool.

I'm involved in the women's Bible study at my church and it's been SO good. So, so, so good. I'm learning a lot. The book of Colossians is amazing and the Bible truly is LIVING and ACTIVE.

Anyway, that's all for tonight. Hope you're all doing well. Hopefully you'll be seeing me around here a little more in the future.

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