Sneakily posting on my old blog for my own fun. I blog over at these days, although it's been almost 2 months since my last update. Oops! Lately I've been trying to be less...available?? on social media, especially my blog. I mostly want to keep my personal life private - I don't have secrets, but I do not feel the need to broadcast my daily life/thoughts, either. However, I do like to look back at old blog posts to see what I was thinking about, doing, and learning. Hence the sneaky post on the blog that my friends/family don't really have access to anymore.
Just wanted to document a few thoughts/feelings as of late...
I just got back from a week and a half in Maine and miss it like crazy already, although it is good to be home! The whole "Fun Family" got together and spent a week at a few cabins on a lake and it was a blast. We slept in, stayed up late, played games (including Settlers of Catan, Apples to Apples, volleyball, badminton, croquet, bocce ball, baseball, and a team game of TV Themes, Movie Tunes, and Disney Tunes Trivia!), kayaked, canoed, sailed, sunbathed, swam, floated, had a water balloon fight, fished, sang to Holly's ukulele, laughed, "fired", and mostly ATE. It was so good to see everyone and spend time together. The last night we had a "Big Kid" night with the older cousins. It was great to hang out, play games, eat, and just chat with them. I love my cousins!
In just 2 weeks, the 2014-2015 school year is beginning! I have 2 weeks to complete my classroom, plan, and put myself together. I am beyond excited but also a bit anxious. I anticipate lots of fun, lots of mistakes, and even some successes. What I expect the most, though, is to learn and to grow. My class has 10 students in it - very small but it will allow for a lot of things that I would not be able to do with a larger class. It will also make certain things (I'm looking at you, report cards and grading) less time-consuming. Tomorrow, Kathy and Riley are going to come help me with my bulletin boards - yay!!