Sunday, September 26, 2010

Life Abundant

John 10:10-"...I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly."

Today is one of those days where I am just so excited to be alive. God has poured out His blessings on me again and again. As the verse in John says, Christ came to give us abundant life. Today has reminded me of this. It's like at every possible turn, there have been blessings.

Church this morning was amazing. Pastor Scott preached out of Romans 12:1 (which is, "Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God. which is your spiritual service of worship.") , and one of the things he talked about was the phrase "Therefore I urge you brethren, by the mercies of God..." Then he asked us a question to get us thinking-what are the mercies of God? He answered his question by saying, "The mercies of God are the blessings of salvation that are ours because of Christ." These blessings of salvation that we have received bring a response of gratitude that enables us to present our bodies a living and holy sacrifice. Some examples of the mercies of God are:
-The righteousness of God
-Justification by faith
-Favor/grace of God
-Reconciliation to God
-God's forgiveness.
There are many more, but I just thought that this would give you an idea of what they are. God really used this part of the sermon to change my thinking already.

Then I had my membership class where we talked about some things that also really encouraged me and provoked my thinking. Lunch, though, was another huge blessing. I ate with my friend Abby, and we talked a lot about what we are learning and struggling with, and it is such a blessing to have someone who seems to go through similar things as I do. Abby is such a sweet girl who loves the Lord passionately, and is such an encouragement to me.

Lately I have been really convicted about not serving in my church as I had been planning to all summer. I prayed this morning that somehow today I would find a place to serve, thinking that maybe it would be in youth ministry. Well, this morning went by and I did not pursue anything and no one came to me either(this is not me blaming anyone-I did not expect this to happen, and I realize it is my responsibility to ask about it, and I failed), so in my flesh, I forgot about it. Then tonight, after another great sermon, we had our normal Body Life time (in case you do not know what this is, it is about twenty or so minutes where people share prayer requests or answers to prayer, and others in the congregation pray for them. We also have a handout given before the service with other prayer requests printed on it, and we pray for some of those as well). Pastor Steve talked about how Awana had a need in the Sparks ministry, and said to talk to the lady in charge after the service if we were willing to help. Of course, I did! I am so excited to be working in a ministry with 80 K-2nd graders, as well as many leaders. It was then that I remembered the prayer I had prayed this morning about finding somewhere to serve. God answered a prayer that I forgot about! I am so forgetful, even about things that I am passionate about. I have no explanation for this except that I am a wicked sinner who needs the grace of God each day. 

Hopefully you can tell, but in case you can't: my life is just so full right now! God has blessed me again and again, and I am so grateful to be His child. He really is so good to me, even though sometimes I forget this. He reminded me that life without Him is so empty and discouraging, but life in Him is life abundant. 

In closing, I would like to quote a song that is brought to mind as I think about this. 
"My heart is filled with a thousand songs proclaiming the glories of Calvary. With every breath, Lord, how I long to be like Jesus who died for me. Lord take me deeper into the glories of Calvary."

Have a great day :)

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