Friday, September 10, 2010

Well, today is the last day of my second week of my second year of college. Wow! It's already been pretty busy. This semester is going to be tough but so far it's still been really good. I officially changed to a Liberal Studies major with a Teacher Education emphasis. I had to do that when I first came to the LA area (a weekish before school started) and as a result, all of my classes but one changed. I am learning so much already that I can't believe it's only been two weeks. Many of my classes are related to each other, and it is interesting to see all the theories and studies there are about the way children develop. So far I think that my favorite class will be Child and Adolescent Development. It has already taught me sooo much! It requires a lot of work, but there is so much to learn and it's very insightful so I have enjoyed doing the homework (so far, at least).

It's been great being back on campus again, in the best dorm Cdub! I am rooming with the same awesome girl, Sarah. We are on the second floor this year, so we are adjusting to having people above us. It's been really good so far! Also, I'm really enjoying meeting all the girls on my wing. I didn't know most of them last year, and many of them I did not even know who they were. It will be fun to get to know them all better! I am also loving meeting all the freshman/transfers. They are so awesome and it has been awesome meeting so many people and seeing their love for the Lord.

God is already stretching me and teaching me things. There are things that I'm learning right now that I was not really planning on learning, because they are some hard lessons. I really have to learn to obey Him and walk by faith. Learning patience is going to be really hard, but I know that it will be really worth the hard parts, because I will come out of it more like Christ. It's not necessarily comfortable but I can finally say that I'm learning to trust His will. Even though it may be hard right now I know He is refining me and really has my best interest in mind, when I really don't. I know what I want, and He knows what I need. I'm so very thankful that I have God, who knows me so well, in control of my life and always doing what is best for me!
Right now I am going through Psalms again and studying the character of God-it is so good to look see this! Knowing His character and how He acts toward the righteous have been really helpful in my walk with Him. I am looking forward to whatever else he will teach me this year. I know how much I changed last year, and I hope that this year will be much like that!

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