Saturday, August 13, 2011


This week has sure had its share of ups and downs. I've babysat my brother every day which I thought would be monotonous but it's been really fun. We've swum almost every day and even though I have skinned knees from the bottom and sides of the pool, it's always the highlight of the day. Also, I've been finally figuring things out for school, such as how I'm going to get all my stuff down there and buying books. I took my bridesmaid dress to the lady who's going to alter it yesterday so that was another thing to check off the list. The Lord's been teaching me a lot through I Corinthians and that has been an immense blessing.

There have also been some hard things this week that I've had to deal with. On top of that (or maybe because of it), I haven't been sleeping well. I've learned that I'm a worrier-something that constantly needs to be brought to the Lord-which definitely robs me of sleep. I'm often tired and feeling emotionally drained. Some things just really hurt and as much as you try to ignore them, you can't. It partially makes me want school to hurry up and get here already so I can escape certain problems (which makes certain other ones worse though), but I know that I can't ever run away from problems because that does no good in the long run.

And then tonight. I ended this hard week hanging out with three great friends from high school, who all really love the Lord and desire to serve Him. It's great to hang out with people and have the chance to reminisce about the good ole days, and to both laugh a ton and have good conversations. I needed that tonight, and the Lord always is faithful to give us what we need.

Lamentations 3:22-23 says, "The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness." I love this because it reminds us that His love is steadfast and unceasing. No matter what comes, good or bad, the Lord loves us the same way and gives us enough mercy for both the good days and the bad.

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