This is Holly and I at church...we always take random pics!
All of us girls with my Mom at our grandparent's 50th wedding anniversary/renewal of vows
Abby loves me :)
We all wore gray...grayt minds think alike. (wow, corny)

Lately I have been thinking about my sisters alot. They really are the best people I have in my life. No one else can be so encouraging yet so painfully honest at the same time as a sister. We have all gone through so much together, and are always there when we really need it. In the midst of broken bones, sleepless nights, stressing over college, boy problems, family problems, friend problems, broken hearts, and everything else..we have always been together. I know that I will always have their backs, and they will always have mine. I completely trust all of them completely. We are all so different, yet fit together so well. Sarah, Holly, and Abby are some of the best reminders of the love that God has poured out on me.
There are so many memories I have with those girls. I remember when we were really young, we would play "Christmas" with our dolls-we put them to bed, then wrapped presents and put little toys into their "stockings". I remember how much Holly loved her "peoples". Holly and Abby used to love their blanket game. Sarah, when told not to be such a tattle-tale, took a picture of me climbing on something instead of telling on me. Camping trips, beach days, plane rides, movie nights, and so many more things were made better because of those girls. One of my greatest childhood memories-the mud bath that Sarah, Holly and I had one morning. Baking with Abby-ususally unsuccessful when we are together. Taking crazy pictures with Holly. Fake laughing so outrageously with Sarah that we would laugh, deep belly laugh, at. Trips to get ice cream after a breakup. Hugs and tissues shared when nursing a broken heart. Defending each other and calling other people stupid for messing with one of us. Making fun of those losers who hurt one of us. Being embarrassed when Dad would try to be funny. Telling Mom to "stand up straight" (which doesn't mean quite what one might think it means). Being told by Mom to stand up straight, along with her hands correcting our posture. So many more good times together in the past, and many more to come.
As you can tell I love these girls so much and appreciate them more and more each day. Ecclesiates 4:12 "...A cord of three strands is not easily torn apart". We are lucky because there are not just three of us, but four. Try breaking that apart ;)
All this to say...I love you girls. Thank you for being my best friends. Thanks for all the laughs, and even the tears. Thanks for the hugs when I had a really tough time, and for understanding that I lived in California even though I loved you and missed you guys every day. I miss you guys so much now while I'm in college, and not a day goes by where I am not constantly thinking and talking about you.
When sisters stand shoulder to shoulder, who stands a chance against us?
-Pam Brown
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