- Home was such a sweet blessing this past weekend. Leaving was so sad.
- This week has been semi-insane with homework, classes, projects, babysitting, studying, Awana, etc. But I've been loving all of it. God has totally revived my passion for teaching, and has given me the ability to enjoy the massive amounts of work I have to do (for the most part. I don't always love it, especially on those late nights).
- Today I received a care package from my home church in the mail...such an encouragement.
- I have such amazing relationships here. I have friends who I can have fun with, but who also point me to Christ, whether we're having fun or having a bad day.
- I'm learning so much in so many of my classes. We finished the book of Genesis in my OT survey class...man, was I missing so much all these years.
- I'm really looking forward to Fall Thing. It's going to be so great and so fun, I think.
- I'm so thankful to be at TMC. Sometimes it still blows my mind that I am blessed enough to be here.
- My awana kids are so cute and so fun, and though they can be a little wild (ok, very wild!!), they also really do want to learn, and it's so cool to see that.
- Having my journal again has been great!! I love being able to write my thoughts/responses as I read my Bible, and it's nice to go back and look through what I've been learning the past few days. [Also, Romans is awesome.]
All of these have been such sweet blessings from the Lord. To say I'm content with life is an understatement.
Also, Fall for You by Secondhand Serenade is on replay. The piano...gorgeous.
And...cracked pepper & olive oil Triscuits...simply amazing. Try them.