Sunday, April 29, 2012
Sometimes it just hits me that I'm really, truly, Lord-willing going to be a teacher in the next few years. If that is the direction the Lord takes me, and right now it looks like that is the case, then it's a huge responsibility! It just hit me again tonight that people's EDUCATION will be in my hands. That is no small task. I pray that I can learn things the best that I can in order to help my future students as well as I can! Though my major is full of gen-ed-like classes (it's Liberal Studies - Teacher Education), everything I'm learning is important because one day I might be teaching it. My education is no longer just about me working hard for the Lord, it's also about working to the best of my abilities so that I don't forget what I've learned because one day it may affect my students. It is a daunting task when I look at it from so far away, but it's just another thing that you can only focus on "today" every day and trust the Lord to take care of the rest. So it's kind of a "yikes but I know God's got this" kind of feeling.
Friday, April 27, 2012
High Five for Friday
Top five things from this week:
1. Spending Sunday at Balboa Island for Amanda's birthday - so much fun! We walked around the little shops and, of course, ate balboa bars (ice cream bars or bananas dipped in chocolate and then in whatever topping your heart desires), followed by a trip to the Old Spaghetti Factory - yum! (Can I just say how much I love So Cal?!)
2. "Senior Test Day" was Tuesday, which meant - no classes for the rest of us! So Monday night, I spent the night in Lindsay's room and then Tuesday we went to Chic Fil A for breakfast and then to Target. The rest of the day was spent doing homework, until 5 when....
3. Katie and I went to Meredith's to bake again. Which also includes playing with sweet Karis..who makes us do things like this...(ok, we were totally willing to...)
4. Talking to my lovely little sister who is coming out here in 13 days! We've been trying to nail down some plans for her visit and I am oh, so excited!
5. This is going to sound weird, but sometimes hard things bring the most joy. The past few days I've had a lot on my mind and I've been struggling to be content. This has led to several great conversations with friends, and now my sweet friend/roommate is lending me this book based out of Philippians:
I'm so very excited it's the weekend! Hope you all have a good one!
I'm linking up with Lauren at From My Grey Desk
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
...this happened.
And this is normal compared to the other things we did.
There's just no dignity left when you're friends with a 2 year old.
What Makes Me Happy, as of 4.24.12
It's been a while since I've written one of these posts, so there's a lot to catch up on!
Beach days with Foundation (my college group) - especially when with Katie!
beach sunsets...can't beat 'em!
this picture of my dad and brother on Easter
baking, cleaning our messes, writing poetry, and drawing with Katie - especially in an igloo
Cleo loves to spend time with me when I get ready for bed
she also loves drinking out of faucets..that aren't running..
weekend with Becca - too much fun!
Spring Party - my last event with my sweet friend and roommate
The Old Spaghetti Factory...enough said!
spending most of Sunday with these two for Amanda's bday
No classes today...which means sleepover with Linds and Chic-Fil-A for breakfast!
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
It's been a while since I've blogged, which is totally uncharacteristic of me. Let me just say how busy, busy, busy I have been! Life is insane..yesterday I had literally 3470193 things running through my mind (okay, a few less than that). On top of that, I was on the go all day. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't a bad day. Just busy. By the time 8pm rolled around I decided what I needed was 15 minutes to just close my eyes and relax, maybe catching a few zzz's. Let's just say that 7 minutes into it, I gave up. It was just pointless trying to relax and be still. Do you ever feel that way? All you want to do is be still, but it's the last thing you can do, because so many other things are running through your mind? That was so me. I have a lot to say, but that is to come later. Just remember, life is a gift. It is short and precious, and you never know what it will bring to you and you never know when it will end. Each day you wake up breathing is a gift from God - seriously. Take it that way.
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