Friday, May 27, 2011

5 Ways to Win My Heart

Here are five ways to win my heart:

1. Love the Lord first and foremost. From a heart that loves the Lord comes many good things - 
encouragement, kind words, Scripture, loving others (I Corinthians 13 love), loving to serve, biblical
 leadership, good work ethic, good relationships with others, wisdom and discretion, integrity, and so many 
other things. But the most important is loving the Lord and being in His word. The more you know about
 God, the more like Christ you become. Everything else will fall into place when you become like Him.
[This implies making Him a priority during every stage of life]

2. Love kids. Love old people. Love animals. Love teenagers. Love believers. Love the lost. Love 
your parents. Love your siblings. Love my family. Love the "unloveable". Love like-minded people. Love people who love different things. Love enemies. Just be a lover. 
Love sacrificially.
[Again, I Corinthians 13 kind of love - for everyone]

3. Have your own life and let me have mine. That's one thing I love about my relationship with 
Trevor. We have so much fun together and love spending time with each other. But we also have our 
own lives. He works plus has drill once a month, I'm pretty involved in my church, we both have lots of homework, he lives at home/I live in the dorms, we go to different churches. We have lots of mutual
friends but we also have our own. 
[Be a {big} part of my life, but don't try to be my life]

4. Be funny. Make me laugh. But not at the expense of others. And don't have dirty humor. Even if I laugh at those things, I don't want to. There are other ways to be funny without being rude or crude. Also, don't 
try too hard. That never impresses girls.
[It's not hard to make me laugh]

5. Be yourself. No matter who you are, be yourself. 
[The right person will notice]

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