Sunday, May 29, 2011

A Book You Love

I love reading. Really love it. Always have, always will. There are so many books that I love. My ultimate favorite book is (without meaning to sound cheesy or fake) the Bible. That book, and its Author, have completely changed me. But this isn't asking for my favorite, just one I love. I want to pick one that isn't the Bible in the off chance that I have readers (ha) who are looking for a good book to read to supplement their regular devotions. Passion and Purity by Elisabeth Elliot was, besides the Bible, the most life-changing book I've ever read.

It was a book full of challenging content. Elisabeth Elliot outlines her entire relationship leading up to marriage with her first husband, who was martyred after a few short years of marriage. There were so many twists in their relationship. They went to college together. At times, they didn't even live on the same continent. Jim Elliot thought he might be called to being singleness. Plus more. Their relationship was full of roller coasters. But through it all, God worked in their hearts. He used each of them to shape the other. He brought them both to a point where they were fully surrendered to His will. Then He blessed them by giving them the best gift possible after salvation, each other.

Through it all, Elisabeth shares her thoughts, struggles, temptations, victories, and journal entries. She is so transparent and reminds you time after time that the most important thing, the only thing, is to pursue Christ-likeness and devotion to Him. He will work everything out perfectly on His time.

Like I said, this book changed my life. It changed the way I view things, and it changed the way I think. She has countless tidbits of advice. When reading it, I wrote down so many of the things she said. I must have underlined almost half the book. Okay, slight exaggeration. But you get my point. It's an amazing read for women who love the Lord and want to win victory over their flesh. I recommend it to anyone and everyone.

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