Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Life as of May 4, 2011

Wow. Life's been pretty crazy lately. School keeps me busy busy busy. But it's good. I still have time for social things, which has been nice. Even if "social things" means just spending the night in the library doing homework with friends.

Here's something you should know: I have a boyfriend. His name is Trevor and he's pretty awesome. I could keep going, but he'll probably read this and I know how he is about anything resembling a compliment, so for now I'll save it haha. Anyway, he's a Marine and it's pretty cool. I grew up having a huge respect for the Marines. My grandfather on my mom's side was one, and I remember he used to teach us the Marine's Hymn as he taught us how to swim in his pool. That was one of the first songs I ever learned, minus Sunday school songs of course. He died when I was in first grade, so those are some of my only memories of him. All that to say, it's really cool to be dating one now. Plus I just like him anyway :). Here's us on our first date (which was super fun).

Hmm, what else...well I'm still loving my major. It's pretty brutal sometimes, but I love learning about kids and how to manage a classroom. I've even enjoyed my PE and art classes, though I don't intend to ever teach PE. My art class has really helped me see the importance of integrating art into other disciplines as well. It uses the right side of the brain, when most of school uses the left side, so it gives the left side a break. Also, it's a new, more fun way of learning the same things. So that class has been extremely helpful.

This semester I have been meeting with an incredible lady, Meredith Ebner, once a week. She's been such an encouragement to me, and so helpful! It's nice to have someone a little bit older showing me the right and wrong ways about going about things. She's been extremely helpful in showing me how important honest and open communication is, and has shown me the importance and usefulness of always asking questions. I am so thankful for her.

Tonight is the last night of Awana...technically, last week was actually. Tonight is the awards ceremony, and the last time I'll see those 5 kids in that context. I'd say it's bittersweet, but really, it's all sad. Not only will I not see them for the summer, but my group is 2nd graders, so next year they will be in TNT. I'll also miss the other kids on our beloved green team...I'll miss Dylan, who always rolls up his pants and tells me they're shorts; Katie, who consistently ran in the opposite direction of everyone else, even after watching several people before her; Eleanor, who was often too shy to participate in games (as was I at her age); Ellie and Lily holding onto my legs and making me walk; playing "bubble gum bubble gum in a dish" so much that I never want to chew gum again; and so many more things. Mostly, I'll miss "Miss Abigail", Claire, Ben, Ellie, Madison, and Carter, and all of our good times together. Here's two pics, one of Ben and me, and one of our group playing bubble gum.

Last of all, yesterday Lindsay showed me these incredible pictures, taken by Suren Manvelyen. Here's a few of my favorites. These are closeups of eyes...real eyes. This is what a human eye looks like (still blown away, clearly).

Well, that's all for now. I must get ready and study for my last math test (ever?!). Hope you enjoyed :)

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