As it was for many people, 2011 was quite an eventful year for me. It has definitely had its share of excitement, blessings, and challenges. I have learned many things this year, one of the main ones being trust God - He is worthy of your trust, and He is faithful. Of course, that is a lesson I will learn again and again for the rest of my life, but still. I'm working on it.
This year ended well - I was relieved from jury duty and given the opportunity to spend this past week (Tuesday-Sunday) in the Santa Cruz area with Lindsay and her family. We did the usual things - lots of family (+ me) time at their grandparents' house, went to Monterey (a trip which always includes the Dennis the Menace park and Cannery Row), beach trip, the necessary Marianne's-run-after-a-day-at-the-beach, hanging out at the ranch, etc. Of course there were also things unique to this trip (or things at least new to me) - played with the two kittens constantly at Lindsay's aunt and uncle's house (where she and I stayed during the trip), tractor rides at the ranch, a walk at Mount Hermon while the boys played football, shopping in Capitola, playing cards with all the kids (ps. Zach and Jordan had us in hysterics), and many others. New Year's Eve was spent at L's grandparents' house. As midnight approached, it was just the Stoevers and me who made it, and all of their extended family had left or gone to bed. We watched Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs (super cute) and paused to drink Martinelli's at midnight (we had watched the ball drop at 9pm live in NYC). I could write forever about all the things we did during our trip, but for your sake and my own, I won't. Here are some pictures that were taken on the trip (from both my phone and Lindsay's):

Tues night we had dinner at the Crow's Nest. This is the sunset we saw as we arrived.
Harbor by the Crow's Nest.
"The Ranch" aka Frank & Laura's, where Linds and I stayed.
They had kitties!!! This one is Socks. xo.
(Ps. they made me miss Romeo, whom Zach still
accuses me of killing...which I didn't do.)
We all got to drive a tractor one fun.
Linds and I at the Dennis the Menace park...we're crazy.
Cuuuuuutest couple ever. Love them. Lindsay's grandparents.
Spent yesterday (Dec 31st) at the beach in Santa Cruz. It was a gorgeous day.
This is Abby...we had a lot of fun this trip!! Miss her already.
So that is my trip in a nutshell. More pics might come later, but for now (and maybe forever) this will do!
Other miscellaneous thoughts:
this and
this (both from the Desiring God blog and written by Paul Tripp and John Piper, respectively), as you think about the next year. The first contains my philosophy of new year's resolutions, but written more eloquently than I ever could.
-Still working on
this. So far, so good. No dramatic changes - I wrote last week in my journal that this probably more of a slow and steady learning process than quick and easy.
-Still getting ahead for Children's Lit as I mentioned
here. I've read Charlotte's Web and The Tales of Beatrix Potter, and I'm currently working on The Giver by Lois Lowry...such an interesting book. Can hardly put it down (except I did to work on my blog, because I haven't posted in a while). I ordered the textbooks for this class too, and as soon as they come in, I'm going to start reading them.
-Currently studying Isaiah. I'll be honest - this book has been a toughie! There is so much I don't understand, and though I've learned a lot, I'm sure I've missed most of what's there. Still, it's been an incredible blessing and it's a great picture of different aspects of God's character.
-This week will be a crazy little week trying to cram everything in (mainly hanging out with friends and family, and getting ready for.....)
-....My trip to Maine which begins in 4 days...I am so ready to be out there!!
-I'm excited to get my Nook Tablet and figure it out.
-Thinking ahead to this semester, wondering what it will be like. Only God knows, and I am SO content and happy about that.
-Can't wait to see Ansley, Justin, Ellyse, and Silas (my Awana kids) again!
-God is so good. Today I was reminded of the importance of preaching the gospel to myself each day. Such a crucial part of the Christian life.
-Looking forward to seeing what 2012 holds. May God be glorified in all that I do!