Monday, January 9, 2012


I know, I know...2 posts in one day? What is this, last summer? But there's more that I just keep thinking about and figured, why not share it?

This year was the first time in...a really long time...that I spent Christmas in CA. In fact, my brother has no memories of Christmases with us sisters, because we always spend them here in Maine. But this year, it didn't work out for me to come (silly jury duty). I realized, besides having a white Christmas (which really wouldn't have been that white), what I missed the most is the candles. Many New England houses put one candlestick (read: electric "candlestick") in each window in the front of their house. It's beautiful at night to pass homes decorated this way. This is one piece of New England that will come with me wherever I live in the future.

Kind of like this. But imagine it's dark outside and this is what you see.
Beautiful, isn't it?

On another note, tonight we're going out to dinner as a family and I'm so excited. Time spent with my family is something I treasure, as I'm sure you know if you've read much of my blog. My time with them is very limited, so I want to make each moment special. Then later, since Chynna (our fourth "adopted" sister - she and her dad moved from Kentucky this summer and have been living with us while looking for their own home, and she happens to be the same age as my younger sisters - in fact, born on the same day as Abby) is coming back from visiting the bf in Texas, we're doing our sister secret santa gift exchange. I'm so excited to see what everyone got for each other. 

Also totally different, today I've spent time reading one of my favorite blogs. The writer and her husband (and their baby) always find the coolest places to eat. They eat out all the time. I don't know how they stay so thin! I know I wouldn't if I ate like them. Not that I could afford to. They just find awesome places to eat and always get yummy foods, plus they look good doing it. Kudos to them, I say.

I really am enjoying break. I mentioned in my earlier post today (I'm such a nerd) that I'm not ready for school to start again. Usually near the end of break, I can't wait to get back. This time, I'm semi-dreading it. Not because I won't want to be there - I totally do!! I just don't want to leave here yet. I'm not ready. I'm in Maine until Friday afternoon and it's only Monday (the midpoint of my trip), but it feels like it's coming up way too fast for my liking. Where has my break gone?! It's been so busy and so fun and full of adventures and friends that it's just flown by. Last semester was so tough so letting go of my break won't be easy. But I know that I have a promising semester ahead of me, which will be full of God's grace and His blessings. I'm excited for what's in store. Until then though, I'll enjoy every second of my break.

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