Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Just some more random thoughts (lots of these lately):

Buying new music is so much fun. I just adore it...the options are virtually endless. The bummer is that most of the music I like is $1.29. But to make up for the sting of that, some good songs can be found for $.69. So it's an almost fair trade. Almost. Also, I could spend all my money on Selah's music...beautiful, beautiful. But then I'd miss out on Lady A, Sovereign Grace, and others.

On a related note..Josh Turner can hit those low notes like nobody's business. Swoon.

Going to make red velvet cupcakes tonight (or maybe tomorrow). This is very nerve-wracking, because the first time I stayed with the Brooks family, Courtney and I decided to make some from scratch. Obviously, if I'm posting about it almost two years later, it was a less than successful trial. Anyway, I got a red velvet cupcake + frosting kit for Christmas...so it's time to redeem myself fully (though Courtney and I made killer r.v. cake balls, it won't be fully over until I make actual cupcakes..even though these are from a package, it'll do...anything to get that fiasco off my back once and for all!)

Dinner tonight: lasagna and bread. With all of fun (minus Abby)! I am so excited! Let me tell you about my thing with lasagna...I love it. I used to request it every year on my birthday, and would always follow it with my other love, cheesecake. If you don't believe that I adore cheesecake, ask Meredith. I maybe once literally jumped at the offer. Maybe.

Words with Friends is too addicting. Seriously. But you know what I play more than that? Solitaire. I'm such a boring person.

Also..what's up with the Bachelor? Last week Monica seemed like the biggest drama starter..but this week she seemed...nice? And Courtney and Blakeley...yeah they need to go. The first date was, of course, adorable. It's almost always my favorite date of the whole season.

Just found out...my brother doesn't get a cell phone until I'm married. Such random timing. Well that's the idea my sister gave him, anyway.

It's supposed to snow Thursday (I think it's that day?). As much as I dislike snow, I'm so excited. Maine is so beautiful when covered in fresh snow. Especially before the footprints and while it's still in the trees. Such beauty. I'm not ready to leave.

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