Wednesday, January 11, 2012


So I finally am fully on Maine time! It took me stomach adjusted quickly, and I was able to fall asleep at a normal time every night. But until this morning, I kept waking up way later than I would plan to. I was sleeping in until 9:30 or 10 in the mornings and even then, it was a struggle to fully wake up. What? This coming from the girl who can't sleep until 7:30 when she's at school? Crazy talk. Except that waking up at 9:30 or 10 in Maine is like waking up at 6:30 or 7 in California. Anyways...this morning I woke up at 8, which is much more normal (for vacation). I've just always been a morning person. Maybe not always the nicest person in the morning, but I usually wake up pretty easily. For years, I struggled against that - all my friends and sisters have no problems sleeping in, so why can't I? I would try and fail. But from pretty much the very beginning of the semester, I decided to stop struggling against it and just wake up earlier and go to sleep earlier. Guess what? I was rarely tired like I have been in the past, and I did better in my classes. Crazy how God wires you to be a certain way, and when you function as you're wired to, you are at your best!! (Crazy was sarcastic. It totally makes sense.)

Anyway, now that I'm totally on Maine time, I can enjoy it for a couple days, because I leave Friday and then I'll have to adjust back. C'est la vie.

Listen. Behold Our God. Sovereign Grace Music.

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