This is my personal blog, and though I often talk about things I like or what's going on in my life, I don't always talk about my
self. I think. Anyway, here are some things about me that you might not know.
-I've always liked school. I've always looked forward to summer ending and school beginning. This increased in high school and college. Though class is often boring and homework is a pain, school is what I know. I'm used to seeing my friends daily and having random funny things happen-especially now that I'm in college. [Sidenote: this summer has been the exception. After coming home from a month in Maine, I had a few days of nothing before starting my job at the fair. This took up 2 and a half weeks, often with crazy hours. After the fair ended and we took everything down, leaving Cal Expo at 3:30 am (of course with a trip to Denny's to hang out one last time with fellow carnies until 5 am) last Monday morning. I babysat with Lindsay all day Monday, then came home early that evening, to spend one night at home before heading to Santa Cruz with the Stoevers. I got back on Friday afternoon. Anytime asked, I answered that I was
not ready to go back,
not ready for summer/freedom to end. Until today...when I got that itch for education back.] I love learning and I love the social aspect of school. Now that I'm in college, there's also dorm life to look forward to. [Sidenote #2: I don't know who my roommate is going to be this year-it's in God's hands. Needless to say, I'm apprehensive/nervous/excited to see who God has in store.]
-I love food
packed with flavor. Anything really sweet, really salty, really sour, really name it, I like it! Bold flavors are what I crave. On the other hand, pasta and saltines (though salty, they're still pretty bland) are some of my favorite foods.
-I love kids. I believe in the tradition of getting married and then having kids. But I used to see marriage as a means to an end (read: having my own kids). Thankfully, as I've grown older, I've learned that in a family, the most important relationship is between husband and wife, not parent and child. But I still love kids just as much.
-I love bright colors. But lately I've loved bright colors that have been
muted. I don't know if that's the right term for it. This is what I mean:
-I eat my burgers upside down. I don't know why I do it. I just have for a long time. I think it's because it's easier to put my thumbs on the top and the rest of my fingers on the bottom. It's awkward to pick up and put down a burger that's right side up.
-Shots freak me out. Giving blood doesn't. Make sense to you? Me either.
-Cupcakes. Cake pops. Red velvet. Cheesecake. Love them all. Love making them, looking at them, talking about them,
eating them.
-I'm not huge into flowers. I mean, don't get me wrong, I think they're pretty. But I don't know lots about them, or have a favorite, or have a particular desire to have a garden. I'm not even huge on getting flowers from people. I do appreciate the gesture, but I'm just not much into them.
-I'm unusually indecisive.
-Country boys/cowboys will always be appealing to me. I love the simplicity of the lifestyle, appreciate the hard working lifestyle, and happen to find them pretty attractive. Story time-last year for Outreach Week at TMC, I went to Bear Valley which is in Tehachapi, CA, which is in the mountains. It seems like almost everyone who lives in Bear Valley owns horses. Some of the boys in the youth group were authentic cowboys (no, I was not attracted to them-they were like 4 years younger and I was there to serve) and one had a rope with him. One of my friends asked if he'd teach her how to "lasso" and he looked at her almost like she was an idiot and said "Lasso is Spanish for rope. It's just called roping, not lassoing."
-I'm a jeans & tshirt kind of girl. Not really huge on makeup either-my every day routine is my Clinique 3 step facial washing/cleansing/moisturizing system, then eyeliner, then mascara. Truth be told, I'm not really into fashion/trends, as you can see by what I wear on a daily basis. When it's cold, I'm a huge hoodie I pretty much look the same every day. Sue me, call me boring, do whatever you want. It's just how I am.
-Love socks. Cute socks and plain black socks are my favorites. I've gotten socks for almost every birthday/Christmas/Valentine's Day/Easter in the last few years.
-Food network and crime dramas. Pretty much all I ever watch on tv. Oh, and I watch the Bachelor/Bachelorette on hulu too.
-Bows. I love them. Ribbons tied into bows, headbands, bows on shoes, bows on baby clothes...I just think they're all adorable.
-I remember song lyrics from when I was a little kid. It's bad. Like remember-songs-from-Patch-the-Pirate-we-sang-in-church-when-I-was-6-years-old bad.
-Telling jokes is my thing. I have like 8 that I reuse and recycle all the time. It's bad when I'm in a group and I forget some of my jokes and then my friends tell them for me. Not kidding. I use them a lot. But I always like to hear and share jokes! So if you have any good ones, send them my way. Okay, they don't have to be good. Mine sure aren't.
-Cheetos and cheese stick nachos. Take a small bowl of cheetos, tear up a cheese stick and put it all over the cheetos, and microwave. Try it-seriously. It's good. Recipe compliments of my friend Andrew my senior year of high school.
-I always use blankets, even in the summer. I especially do while watching tv or reading-any time I'm on a couch. When I'm sleeping, I like lots of pressure on me, so I use lots of blankets then too. I don't know if it's partially because I'm always cold or if it's just that I always like pressure. But I love blankets.
These are some of the things that make me, me. Sorry if this is incredibly boring. Also, sorry for any grammar/punctuation mistakes. It's getting late and I'm tired! Proofreading (which I generally love) is not high on my list of priorities.