Friday, May 18, 2012

High Five for Friday

It's Friday, people.
So that means it's time to tell you about my top 5 favorite things from this week!
Linking up with Lauren @ From My Grey Desk

1. Well first of all, it's summer vacation!! No classes, no exams, no late nights against my will, no rushing to get ready in the mornings, etc. I mean, I really do like school more than your average Joe but that doesn't mean I can't LOVE summer, does it? No, it doesn't.

2. I'm HOME! (in Sacramento). As much as I love TMC and am so thankful that I've already had three amazing years there, Dorothy said it best: "There's no place like home." While I technically have two homes, this is the first one I'm at after school; therefore, it's home. Haha, great logic right? In case you can't quite keep up, Sac town is where my dad, stepmom, and brother live. The best part about being home is that Holly (little sissy) is here too! It's her first time here since I graduated high school three years ago, so it's fun.

3. Tomorrow night Holly and I head on a red-eye flight to our other home in southern Maine, where she usually lives with our mom, step dad, and two other sisters. I can't wait to go and see my family there! Also Maine is just gorgeous all year and after living in Santa Clarita (30 miles from LA) for school and seeing nothing but brown (that's a bit exaggerated), I can't wait to see how green Maine is.

4. Last night I had my first Krispy Kreme doughnut in years. It did not disappoint.

5. Two-fold : First, the Bachelorette started and Emily seems to be a great one! I always like Bachelorette seasons better than Bachelor ones, and according to recent history, they yield longer relationships. Anyway, there seems to be some characters, but there also seems to be some good ones. My two favorites are Charlie and Jef so far, but it's pretty hard to tell after the first night. The second half of this is that I read Catching Fire this week. It's so good but now I reeeeally want to read the third and final book. 

So that's my top 5 this week!! Seems simple but life is full of simple joys and you gotta love 'em!

1 comment:

  1. Yes! The bachelorette...I'm planning a *Final Rose* Girl party....eating girly foods, and watching the finale with some friends! And you're right, Emily seems like a great one. And Krispy Kremes...Yum.
